Thursday, 28 March 2013

Arshi SS: The Runaway - Chapter 2

Chapter 2         The Goodbye Letter... and Consequences!

The Next Day.. Time: 8 a.m.

Shashi was sitting at the breakfast table. Newspapers in his hands, his specs on his nose, he raises his eyebrows when he heard running footsteps coming towards him. One of the maid, breathless, rushed to him with a tensed face.

Maid: Sir sir...

He looks at her questioningly while the maid was trying to catch her breath. Seeing the maid, Maria also approached them.

Maria: What happen? Why have you been running? Khushi blasted you again?

She kept on nodding from right to left but she was so scared that not a word was coming out.

Shashi: So what happen? Why are you so scared? Cat got your tongue?

Maria: Sir... Khushi Baby?

Maria & Shashi: Khushi?

Shashi: What happen to Khushi?

Tensed, Shashi was running to the stairs but the maid called him.

Maid: Sir?

He turned to her and the maid walks scarily to Shashi. She finally hands out a letter to him. Confused, he takes it and opens the letter.    

Dear Dad,
If you’ve reached this letter, then I have quite an idea of your state. So please just chill and then continue with the reading. I’m so sorry Dad, you know how much I love you and I know running away like that was not a wise decision from your so intelligent daughter. But I learnt from you – ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR HEART – so thanks to your words, finally I understand it. At the moment, you are very angry, disappointed and worried... I can bet on that. But I promise, I’ll take care of myself, I’ll stay away from trouble and most important I’ll live the life I want even if it’s for a short time. I want to see the world Dad. You always say that life outside is very cruel... if so I have a right to know about it, I want to experience real life,  feel the happiness of ordinary people and share their pains. I’ll show to all that I’m not just a brat of the high society. And this surely can’t be done when your so called bodyguards are around. We’ll definitely go on holidays when I come back but right now you can still go with the bodyguards, they really need to get off of their stupid uniforms.. In fact they should be thankful that I ran away and I’ll get them new cool uniforms when I come back home. I took Tyara with me, she also need some fresh air. So don’t stress yourself too much and don’t miss me too much, I’m sorry I can’t call you as I know how easy you can trace me. And before you kill the bodyguards to find out how I escaped, let me tell you that it’s very easy when at 4 in the morning, the guards are snoring. It’s disturbing when I sleep so we’ll talk about that later when I return. And we also have to get new pink curtains for my room.. You understand, I used them to get down from the window. Ok dad.. got to go, I love you, bigg kisses,.. I’ll miss you! I’ll come back soon!
P.S: Amma, you also please don’t be worried, I’m fine, and I’ll come back to you soon.. Meanwhile take care of dad and make sure that he takes his medicines time to time. And you also get some rest!


As the letter falls down from his hands, Shashi freaks out and yells..

Shashi: Guardssssssssssss!

The voice startles everyone, and they all rush to Shashi in few seconds. All guards lined up in front of Shashi and they panicked as they look into his threatening eyes. Angrily, Shashi yells at them..

Shashi: Where the hell have you been? And what have you been doing at night?

Confused, no one dared to speak a word, but to the situation it was not difficult to find out that it must be related to Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta! Finally one of them grab some courage and enquires...

Guard: Sir any problem? Is.. Miss Gupta,.. fine?

Shashi: Fine? Aren’t you supposed to know that?

Two steps towards the guard and Shashi out of anger grab his collar.

Shashi: I’m asking you! Is my daughter fine? Tell me..

And his voice echoes in the house.

Shashi(yelling): Where is my Daughter? Where is Khushiiiiiiiiiiiiii?

On the other side, Khushi was sitting on a sofa, legs trembling, waiting nervously for sanaya. As she sees Sanaya running through the airport entrance, she was stunned to see her in a saree. Still she felt relieved and she gets up and they both hug each other.

Khushi: Thank god you are here!

Sanaya: So sorry yaar.. I was stuck in shooting, my new show Channchann just release and I had to run away from studio to get to you.

Khushi: It’s ok.. At least you are here. So you got the tickets?

Sanaya: I managed to get tickets to India, that’s the best I could do.

Khushi takes the ticket and kept it in her hand bag.

Khushi: Thanks a lot, you are the best!

And she falls into her embrace.

Sanaya: Yes I am! But remember, don’t stay at one place for too long.. your dad will definitely get to you. It’s not a difficult task for him to trace the flight and your whereabouts. He’ll get to you in no time.

Khushi: Don’t worry, I’ll handle it!

Sanaya: Ok I got to go now and you also have to go, you have some formalities to complete as you cannot bring Tyara with you in the flight.

At her words, Khushi pouts sadly while Tyara gets back into her carrier bag hiding herself. Sanaya smiled and assures her.

Sanaya: It’s just for the flight, you’ll get her back as soon as you land in India,.. Don’t worry Tyara will be fine.

And she looks at Tyara who was still hiding in the bag.

Sanaya: Am I right Tyara?

As an answer, Tyara growls angrily while the girls burst out laughing. After a last hug, Sanaya gets back to her scooter and Khushi walks towards the passenger counter. While walking she looks into her handbag searching for her passport and tickets when suddenly her body crashed into a hard chest. She lifts her eyes and meets those of the stranger. For a second, she was stuck into these eyes.. A pair of caramel eyes, dreamy, yet mysterious. Finally, realization struck and she steps back.

Khushi: I’m sorry!

ASR: Oh that’s ok! Not your fault..

Khushi smiled to him as he was being nice to her.

ASR: Afterall, stupid girls never look around when they walk! Bad habit, you see!

Her smile disappeared as his words penetrate her mind. She fumed in anger and..

Khushi: How dare you? You calling me stupid? Do you know who I am you b.....

Suddenly he interrupts her.

ASR: hein hein.. Not bastard, Arnav! The name is Arnav!

She stays stilled while Arnav smirks arrogantly and turns away. Puzzled, she takes her stuff and gets to the counter. After confirming her seat in Air India flight, she was walking to the animal registry when suddenly she was stopped. She turns and sees Arnav standing behind her holding her wrists. While anger taking place on her face, it changes to shock on the spot when he pulled her violently and crashes his lips onto hers...

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Arshi SS: The Runaway - Chapter 1

Chapter 1  - Good Morning Princess!

Crack Crack…

The sound of broken glass echoes in the house.

Maid 1: Looks like someone is up!

Maid 2: Yes up.. and in a very bad mood.

Maid 3: Wonder who’s the victim today?

The three maids laugh out loud when suddenly they become aware of a serious Maria looking at them. They get back to their work without a word and Maria goes up the stairs to the room of her princess. As she opens the door, she catches the teddy bear thrown in her direction. Working in the Gupta mansion since 19 years, Maria has become a great catcher till now. Smiling, she enters the room and approaches the scared maid. Maria signs the maid to leave the room but her steps halt when she gets yelled on again.

Khushi: Where the hell do you think you are going? I’m not done with you yet!

Maid 4: Sorry Khushi baby!

Khushi looks towards Maria and angrily complains about the maid.

Khushi: Amma see what she’s done again, how many times should I tell that I want orange juice in the morning. Everyone is supposed to know that.

Maria : Khushi Baby, it’s….

Khushi interrupts her,..

Khushi: Ok? No It’s not ok.. that maid is completely useless! Yesterday night I told her that Tyara drinks hot milk in the morning.. but she thinks she knows better than me. She almost killed my baby with this cold milk.

(Sound of Tyara barking)

Tyara gets off her pink bed and jumps on the bed and into the arms of Khushi. As she caresses Tyara, she lifts her eyes towards Maria and the maid. The silent look of Maria calms her down and she shows the door to the maid. After all, when she’s angry, only god or Maria can be the savior.

Khushi: Just get out of my room and never ever come in front of me again.

The maid runs out of the room and when she passes by the door she catches her breath.

Maid 4: Thank God!

Khushi: Amma, Please tell dad to just fire this maid..

In her arms, Tyara is playing and seeing her bundle of joy, she forgets her anger. Maria smiles and sits on the bed while Khushi enjoys the company of Tyara. Suddenly her expressions freezes when she hears Maria..

Maria: She’ll be fired because you needed someone to take out your frustrations.

Khushi looks at Maria with blank expression but she knows what she is talking about.

Maria: Dad’s anger on the poor maid! That’s unfair!

Maria nods amusingly and Khushi looks at her guiltily. Maria is soft spoken but her every word have a huge impact on Khushi’s thoughts as always.

Maria: She’s working honestly to feed her family, her 4 children.. and when she’ll be fired where will she go.. what will happen to her children.. how will she pay for the school fees? Life is not easy for everyone.. Everyone is not lucky as you are baby!

Her face changes and a tear fall down her cheeks. Feeling guilty, she realizes her behavior towards the maid was very hurtful. Sobbing..

Khushi: I’m... sorry Amma.. I never meant to hurt her!.. I’m really very sorry.. I’ll tell dad to increase her salary.

Maria gasps and couldn’t control her laughter. Khushi pouts..

Khushi: Amma!

Maria: I’m sorry.. but you are so naïve my child!

And she hits her lovingly on her forehead. Khushi finally burst out laughing and she hugs Maria while Maria wipes off her silly tears.

Crack Crack….

The sudden noise breaks their moment of joy and Maria looks at Khushi confusingly.

Khushi: What? Don’t look at me like that? It’s not me…

Maria gets up while Khushi gets into her slippers. Shanky, one of the care taker of the house, who’s been eavesdropping at the door of Khushi runs to Shashi Gupta..

Shanky: Sir sir..... she’s coming!

Shashi: Ok! Everyone in position!

Everyone nods yes and he throws another plate angrily. Khushi and Maria come running to the hall while Shashi pretends to be very angry. Shocked, Khushi and Maria look at each other while Shashi yells to the maid.

Shashi: This is unacceptable! My daughter wants orange juice and you gave her mango juice! Come on.. just get out… just pack your bags and get out of this house! You are fired..

Khushi yells.

Khushi: Dad! Please it’s ok.. let her be! I…..

Shashi: No Princess..

Shashi turns his back and walks while he continues his game in a melodramatic way…..

Shashi: You know Maria? Since she was born, I never let her miss anything! And today.. because of that maid, she was refused a glass of orange juice! This is impossible, I cannot tolerate this in my house with my own daughter.

Wiping off his unreal tears, he turns to them and fumes at seeing the maid……

Shashi: You are still here.. out of my sight right now.. Guards!

Khushi: Stoppp it! That’s enough…

Khushi yells while her father gets scared. And the reason is that his daughter knows him too well. Khushi stares at him furiously.

Khushi: Just stop this drama dad! You never fired anyone since 10 years and I’m sure it’s not going to happen sooner.

She was turning away but stops and looks at the maid.

Khushi: And I’m very sorry for my behavior.. I never wanted to hurt you in any away.. And thank you for the mango juice..

She spares an angry look to her dad and walks out of the hall.

15 minutes later

Listening to the chirping birds, Khushi was sitting on the swing in the garden. Tyara runs to her and Khushi picks her up in her arms. When she lifts her eyes from the ground she spots her father with a tray of food. She looks away and Shashi walks to her and sits next to her.

Khushi: I’m not hungry!

Shashi places the tray on the side table. He takes the glass of orange juice and hands it to her.

Shashi: Not Hungry? You can at least have the orange juice! Or mango juice!

Khushi looks at him irritatingly!

Shashi: Ok I’m sorry.. I won’t joke anymore! But you should never take out anger on food! It’s not me who says that,… it was one of the famous theories of your mother.

Khushi silently takes the glass from Sashi’s hands and gulps the whole in one go.

Khushi: Mama ke liye!

Suddenly Shashi forces a toast in her mouth.

Shashi: And this one Papa ke liye!

Khushi looks at him angrily and then her expressions soften and she starts giggling. Shashi takes her into his arms and kisses her forehead.

Shashi: I’m so sorry princess! I just hate when we fight! I promise next week, we’ll go on a vacation! Just the two of us!

Khushi: And..

Shashi: And?

Shashi gets confused but when it strucks..

Shashi: Oh yeah! Just 4 bodyguards.. not more.. I promise!

Khushi smiles unwillingly.

Khushi: Ok!

Shashi: Oh thank you my princess..I knew you’ll understand! I love you so much princess!

He kisses her cheeks.

Shashi: I’ll just be back.. I’ll inform everyone that we patch up.

Khushi nods and Shashi walks away happily.

Holding her mobile, she dials her friend’s number. As the call was connected..

Khushi: Hello Sanaya! All set?.... Coolness… See yeah!

Khushi thinks: I love you too dad! I’m sorry, hope you’ll understand!


Monday, 18 March 2013

Arshi SS: The Runaway - Character Sketch

Character Sketch

Khushi Kumari Gupta
21 years old, Indian, resident of New York since always….. Khushi is the pampered daughter of rich industrialist Gupta. Beautiful, hot & sexy.. she is the most cool girl of the Gucci and Prada world. Friendly & generous, she can be a brat at times.. but with a golden heart. Her favorite hobby is to play pranks and favorite color is pink. Shopping, dinners, parlors, gym, parties,.. she goes nowhere without her best friend Tyara and eventually without her irritating and boring bodyguards. These guards are her worst nightmares and her favorite victims for pranks. She is loved by everyone in the house though her tantrums in anger towards the servants. The most important person in her life is her father,.. She believes in fighting for her rights by hook or by crook. Her only wish close to her heart is to see the real world out of the protective society built by her dad.

Arnav Singh Raizada
25 years old, handsome, mysterious,…. (Well can't say much! You'll get to know him as the story unfolds)

Other characters-
Shashi Gupta
Rich indian, industrialist.. Strict in business & fun loving at home… His empire! He worked hard for it with his wife, Anita. Newly married, they came from India with few dollars and within years and hard work they reached far. After long, his wife finally gave birth to a beautiful angel in the name of Khushi, giving him all happiness of a proud father. But he had a price to pay.. his wife passed away after delivery. Since then, Khushi is his only reason to live! Very protective, he never lets her face any problem in life and pampers her beyond limits. Khushi is his strength as well as his weakness.. Fearing the increasing rivals in business, he has many bodyguards and never lets Khushi roams outside freely.

Maid of the Gupta mansion. She has been taking care of Khushi since she was just 2 years old. She is a mother figure to Khushi and is treated as a member of the family. 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Arshi SS: The Runaway - Prologue


Rich spoilt brat.. the only heir of Gupta industries, Khushi Kumari Gupta is the most pampered girl of New York. The princess of daddy’s heart and the queen of the house, she has everything she wants, except.... her freedom. When she finally runs away, escaping from the eyes of her several bodyguards, Khushi sets off for an exciting trip to Europe….. where she meets a handsome stranger.....
Who is he and what does he want from Khushi Kumari Gupta?

Arshi SS:The Runaway - Teaser 2

Teaser 2

(Phone Ringing)

Man: Hello Sir.. There's news for you.. Daughter of industrialist Gupta ran away from home.

Voice: Is it confirmed?

Man: Yes Sir! I just saw her getting out of the parking.

Voice: Ok..

Man: Should I continue to keep an eye on the Gupta daughter?

Voice: No I'll handle it as from now.

Man: But sir, the payment?

Voice: I'll send the money to your address.

He hangs up the call and smirks dangerously in his ASR style.

Arshi SS:The Runaway - Teaser 1

Teaser 1

A suitcase.. a handbag.. & a carrier bag.. In her pink outfit and her monkey cap, Khushi sneaks out of the gigantic mansion with her best friend Tyara..


(pet carrier bag)
