Author's Note
Hello readers.. long time.. I hope you understand, I was stuck.. but I'm back now..Clearing some misunderstandings from chapter 5.. Arnav was looking at Khushi's pictures which he got while investigating on her, months ago.. these are not childhood pics.. I removed the song from the precap, it was getting on my nerves.. I'll add another song but in chapter 7 and I'm also changing this chapter's title!
He clicked on delete without opening the mail and then went to the pictures folder. He scrolled down through his old photos and smirked as he enlarged an old photo. He lifted his eyes towards Khushi while she smiled at him.
ASR thinks: Pagal! (Crazy)
He had a last glance at the crazy pictures of Khushi and shut down his lappy as the craft got ready for the take-off... He put on his seat belt and looked at Khushi..
ASR: Khushi, fasten your seat belt, we'll be taking off shortly!
As he instructed Khushi to do the same, a mischievous grin appeared on her face while Arnav glared at her with his serious look..
Khushi: Not bad... from miss gupta straight to Khushi!
Arnav gave her his most angry look and she grimaced... She turned her eyes towards Tyara who was roaming around. She smiled and called out...
Khushi: Tyara.. come here baby!
Tyara ran to her at the moment and she jumped in Khushi's lap. Khushi smiled at Arnav exclaiming...
Khushi: Meet Tyara.. my best best best friend! Isn't she beautiful?
Arnav raised his eyebrows in annoyance.. He just couldn't believe that he's travelling with such a kid.. But he had to admit.. she looked terribly sexy in one of the picture he had of her wearing a sexy red dress.. though now in her pink top and jeans, she looked no less than a teenager.. a cute teenager!

His mind came back from that sexy red dress when in an excited voice, she said...
Khushi: and Tyara.. meet..
She lifted her eyes towards Arnav as he intervened her conversation with her best friend.
ASR: the one who hates dog!
Her jaw dropped and her eyes shot open.
Khushi: You hate dogs.. you are screwed up man.. dogs are the most adorable friends.. it's the best friend of human.. don't you know it?
ASR: But I still hate them... so you better keep her away from me.. else she might disappear forever.. Got it?
Her mouth formed an O shape and she cuddled Tyara tightly while murmuring..
Khushi: it's the best friend of human.. and you? A monster..
Arnav ignored her murmurs and closing his eyes he leaned his head on the seat.
It's been more than 20 minutes since they took off and now they were flying... Khushi looked through the window and she was in extreme boredom. She has never been so quiet since she knew how to talk.. She lifted an eyelid for a glimpse of the greek god in front of her.. Gosh he was so handsome.. but how can someone be so boring.. a cute girl and that too hot, is sitting opposite him and not even once he opened his eyes to look at her.. Khushi looked at Tyara with pledging eyes asking for help when suddenly a bulb lighted up in her all time crazy mind.. She placed Tyara down and pushed her towards Arnav.. As soon as he sensed the doggie next to his feet, Arnav opened his eyes and frowned at the irritating dog.. Khushi chuckled as he yelled his famous...
ASR: What the?
Arnav was angrily trying to push Tyara away.. Khushi looked at Arnav and jerked in shock when he yelled at her..
ASR: Get her off me.. NOW!
A grin adorned her face..
Khushi: Come on.. looks like she wants to be friends with you!
He knew that she'd done it purposely.. this girl is full on mischief! But he was Arnav Singh Raizada and no teenager will ruined his peaceful trip. He glared at her furiously..
ASR: Fine! You asked for it!
He unfastened his seat belt, bent down and picked up Tyara. Khushi's eyes shot open as he stood and walked away with Tyara in his arms. She was tensed that he might hurt Tyara.. after all he was a mankind monster. Immediately, she untied her seat belt and ran after Arnav yelling..
Khushi: hello.. hello mr khadoos.. where are you taking her?
He threw Tyara mercilessly in the backside toilet and closed the door. Khushi reached him while he turned and she bumped into his hard chest. She lost her balance and managed to stay on her feet as Arnav passed his arm around her waist! Half a second, their proximity played on her mind and she felt dizzy.. but thankfully she got back to reality when Tyara scratched at the door. She pushed Arnav and tried to open the door.. Arnav smirked while walking back to his seat..
ASR: It's auto lock.. it can be opened only from inside.
Her jaw dropped and eyes popped out... She turned and looked at his retreating figure and yelled..
Khushi: From inside.. then how will she come out you idiot monkey?
He turned to face her and faked a shock expression as he said sarcastically...
ASR: Ooops sorry.. I should have think about it!
He sat on his seat while Khushi tried all her energy on the door. Meanwhile she talked in her baby voice to Tyara reassuring her..
Khushi: Don't worry baby, I'm here! I'll get you out, I promise!
She looked at Arnav from the corner of her eyes and murmurred to herself..
Khushi: And I'll teach this arrogant man a lesson!
She brought her attention back to the door. The hostess came to the seats with the breakfast and looked around for Khushi.. As she saw her trying to force the toilet door, she was shocked and was about to go to her when Arnav stopped her..
ASR: No.. let her be!
Hostess: But sir, the code!
ASR: It's ok.. she's in no hurry.. she just gets mad when she's hungry!
The hostess chuckled and turned away while Arnav called out...
ASR: Miss Gupta.. breakfast is ready.. come here!
Tired at trying out to break an unbreakable door, she looked towards his smirking face. As she finally gave up, she walked to the seat... She sat on the opposite seat and smiled at Arnav.. He smirked and said...
ASR: Smiling.. already! What are you upto Miss Tantrums?
Khushi: Exactly.. I realized why throwing so much tantrums.. we are travelling together.. we might be good friends later on!
Arnav raised his eyebrows in astonishment as he listened to her.. She leaned towards the breakfast tray and picked a toast.
Khushi: After all.. I understand, you want to get to know me better.. and my tyara was spoiling the moment with me alone... Right?
Khushi bite into her toast while Arnav glared at her..
ASR: Excuse me! I want to get to know you better?
He smirked and said in one breath...
ASR: Khushi Kumari Gupta, 21 years old, daughter of industrialist Sashi Gupta, a real brat with a kid's mind, prankster and pinkish!
Khushi: Pinkish?
ASR: yeah.. isn't pink your favorite color?
She grimaced...
Khushi: ok ok.. but this is just the basics Mr Raizada? Or should I say ASR!
ASR: Don't worry I know enough.. and if I need more information, I can find it in no time.. ok miss gupta?
Khushi: Ohh come on, call me khushi.. it sounds better! And not ok mr raizada.. Who is my favorite singer?
ASR: What?
Khushi: Yeahh.. you said you can find out in no time? So tell me?
Arnav looked away irritatingly...
ASR thinks: Gosh where am I stuck?
Seeing his tense look, Khushi smiled.. she definitely will get her baby out of this loo by any means..
Khushi: Ooohh.. you don't know Mr Khadoos Raizada! Just too bad.. Don't worry I'll give you a hint!
And she began humming..
Khushi: Boom Clap, Boom D'Clap, D'Clap... Boom Boom Clap, Boom D'Clap D'Clap...