Updates have been updated on india forum since long... Sorry for being late here!
Dedicated to Aasmaali, Pancakes and Lalarukh!
Chapter 8A: Hero or Villain!
During the early hours of the morning, the private jet finally landed at London airport. Khushi who was on mute mode since their last interaction stared at Arnav while the latter was wearing his black coat. When Arnav finally turned his eyes towards Khushi, she looked away nervously. An arrogant smirk formed on his lips, Arnav nodded in amusement as he looked through the window. And he thought...
ASR thinks: Confused teenager! She still cannot decide whether she's scared of me or attracted by me!
And he signed before walking away towards the south part of the flight. Few minutes later, Khushi lifted her eyes in surprise when suddenly Arnav threw a coat in her lap..
ASR: Here, wear this!
And she replied firmly...
Khushi: No Thank you.. I'm ok!
ASR: Oh really...
He looked at her from top to toe.. His gaze was paying special attention to every forms of her body. And he said..
ASR: I don't think so.. You are not walking with me in such clothes.. My driver will definitely think I've started a new business..
And he said arrogantly...
ASR: Babysitting!
Khushi's jaw dropped while her eyes popped out... She tried to stand up but unfortunately she was pulled back into the seat due to the still tied belt.. On the spot, an amused smile curved onto Arnav's lips while Khushi struggled in anger with the seat belt.. As soon as she finally untied the belt, Khushi stood while yelling...
Khushi (yelling): How dare you talk to...
As Khushi faced Arnav , her words stopped and she stared at him in awe.. She listened to his laughter.. The glint into his eyes was no more mysterious.. Instead it felt the eyes of a happy kid.. For an instant she forgot her anger, her fear... And an hesitant smile curved on her lips.. And all she could say to herself...
Khushi thinks: Wonderful.. So that's how Khushi Kumari Gupta's first crush looks like when he laughs..
But her thoughts broke all of a sudden.. The expressions on her face went from mesmerizing to rigid at the moment she heard Arnav saying laughingly...
ASR: Khushi Kumari Gupta, you such a kid!
Her mouth formed an O-shape and she yelled angrily..
Khushi: Kid... Bachi! Apne phir se mujhe bachi kahan! How dare you Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada? Aap mujhe jhanti tak nahin... (Kid... Kid! You again called me a kid! How dare you Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada? You don't even know me...)
Arnav signed sarcastically and approached Khushi with a smirk.. She looked at him nervously from the corners of her eyes while Arnav laid his hand on her shoulders.. Khushi's heart began racing as she felt his hands moving from her shoulders to her arms drawing tiny circles on her skin with his fingers.. Within few seconds, he moved to her back and Khushi closed her eyes, shivering from the contact of his breath at the crook of her neck! Khushi gulped a breath while Arnav's hands moved down her arms and grabbed her wrists.. Arnav finally lifted her wrists and bite her ears softly before whispering to her...
ASR: Open your eyes Miss Gupta!
Slowly Khushi lifted her eyelids and found herself facing their reflection.. Hers and Arnav's! And though nervous.. But from the feeling of seeing them together, Khushi felt millions of butterflies flying in her stomach.. Her eyes followed Arnav's movement as he pointed Khushi's wrists towards her own reflection.. And she blushed when Arnav moved her hands down tracing the reflection of her body curve... He smirked at her and said in a casual tone...
ASR: After seeing you like this.. I mean seriously in this pink messy tshirt and those teenagers jeans, I doubt that no one will think of you a kid Miss Gupta!
Instantly her eyes popped out and she threw an angry glare towards him. Finally, Arnav left her hands and moved away as he said...
ASR: Now come on, just wear this coat, I'm waiting for you near the car...
Arnav walked away towards the flight exit without sparing a glance at Khushi's grumpy face.. And as he disappeared, Khushi signed and said angrily..
Khushi: Fine Mr. A.S.R.! I'll show you the real Khushi Kumari Gupta!
And she grabbed her luggage before turning towards the dressing room.
Sitting at the back seat of his black limousine, Arnav was getting more and more impatient... It had been more than 15 minutes and yet no sign of Khushi Kumari Gupta. Arnav growled and threw his blackberry on the seat before stepping out of the car.. Sam, Arnav's driver was standing by the door when the latter said angrily..
ASR: Where the hell is this girl?
Sam: I... I have no idea Sir!
Arnav nodded and as soon as he was about to walk towards the stairs of the flight, he saw Tyara running down the stairs.. The dog passed by him and jumped into the car under the surprise gaze of the driver.
Sam: Oh Sir, I didn't know you adopted a dog!
ASR: Oh Shut up!
As Arnav yelled, Sam excused himself and got into the driver's seat. Arnav signed and turned his gaze to the flight when suddenly... His breath felt stiffed.. His eyes fixed onto the figure in white at the exit door of the flight.. His gaze moved from her high heels sandal, to her sexy legs.. Her naked cleavage.. And as his eyes stopped on the smile of her face, Arnav clenched his wrists into fists..
Khushi's Dress
Khushi walked down the stairs, conscious of Arnav's angry glare on her.. She moved her hips from right to left confidently with a glint of danger in her eyes.. And as she reached near Arnav, she said in a sexy tone...
Khushi: Shall we go Mr Raizada?
Chapter 8B: Hero or Villain!
Khushi walked down the stairs, conscious of Arnav's angry glare on her.. She moved her hips from right to left confidently with a glint of danger in her eyes.. And as she reached near Arnav, she said in a sexy tone...
Khushi: Shall we go Mr Raizada?
Arnav lowered his eyes as he tried to control his anger.. He knew she was doing this on purpose.. may be just to prove him that she was not a kid, he thought.. But how can she even think of roaming around in such clothes, and that too in London! Why was she even carrying this dress in her bag? Suddenly he felt that restless feeling.. A sense of insecurity.. What if he was not here to protect her from the outer world.. His blood boiled when he suddenly turned his gaze to the other side and spotted his driver staring at Khushi's barely covered body through the side mirrors... Instantly, he opened the door and in a firm tone, he ordered to Khushi...
ASR: Get In! Now!
At the tone of his voice, Khushi grimaced and muttered under her breath..
Khushi: Gussa Raizada! (Angry Raizada)
Arnav's eyes spitting fire, Khushi immediately turned her gaze away in fear of burning under his fuming eyes like daggers. She stepped into the limousine and settled herself next to Tyara into the comfortable black leather seat. Without sparing a look towards Khushi, Arnav entered the car and sat opposite her and Tyara.. He then lifted his eyes towards the driver and he ordered...
ASR: Sam, let's go!
And on the spot, Khushi yelled...
Khushi: And my luggage?? And Tyara's??
ASR: Relax.. I took care of it! It's in the car boot..
Khushi: But...
Arnav looked back at Sam and said...
ASR: Sam, to the office! Now!
Sam nodded in acknowledge and replied..
Sam: Ok Sir!
And Khushi signed irritatingly as she thought...
Khushi thinks: And how will I run away without my luggage.. God.. Help me!
While the driver started the engine, Khushi turned her face and sulked.. The drive to AR Designs London branch was silent.. Arnav was working on his laptop and Khushi had lowered the window, admiring the sights of London.. It was not that she never came to London before, but travelling in a bullet proof car and being restricted from lowering the windows was definitely not the most fun way of a trip. Feeling the breeze on her face, her long silky hairs flying into the air, this happiness was short lived when all of a sudden the window started to raise up.. Her eyes popped out and she began fighting with the automatic button but in vain... And...
ASR: It's locked!
On the spot, Khushi turned to Arnav.. She looked at him angrily but the latter spared no single glimpse towards her.. His eyes fixed into his laptop screen, he smirked when he heard her murmured to herself...
Khushi murmurs: Laad Governor! He's even worse than dad!
5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes... This was becoming harder to withstand.. This silence.. and the voice in her head which kept on saying.. "boring, boring, boring".. and the worst thing bothering her.. Why was he not paying any attention to her, especially in that dress.. She looked at Tyara and thought..
Khushi thinks: May be he's gay after all! Such a waste...
ASR: I'm not gay Miss Gupta!
Instantly her eyes shot wide open and she said in horror...
Khushi: f**k! You can read minds!
Her statement forced Arnav to lift his eyes from his laptop.. and he nodded irritatingly before saying...
ASR: Can you just shut up Miss Gupta and stop thinking loudly? I'm trying to work here!
But stubborn as she is, Khushi replied back sarcastically..
Khushi: You still seemed to be gay to me..
ASR: Or maybe it's just that I'm not interested with girls who look like bitches..
As Arnav's attention went back to his laptop screen, he missed seeing the tears brimming into Khushi's eyes.. Khushi turned her teary gaze towards the tinted windows while Arnav continued his work... But few seconds later.. all of a sudden, Khushi jerked in shock when Arnav pulled her violently to him... As she crashed into the black leather seat, Khushi stared in fear at Arnav..
His hands holding on to the seat blocking Khushi's body under his hard chest... His gaze fixed into her almond eyes, there were only few inches before he could capture her shivering lips... At the moment, Khushi was confused and upset.. Her heart was racing.. Her tears began rolling down her cheeks while her eyes tried hard to avoid the gaze of Arnav.. When she finally lowered her eyes, Arnav brought his hands to her face and lifted her chin.. Their eyes met once again.. As hot tears rolled down her cheeks, Arnav felt restless.. He felt like cursing himself to have brought tears in her eyes.. Here, in his arms, she was so delicate.. so nave, yet so beautiful.. The way she looked at him was intense and dangerous.. but at the same time her innocence, her craziness, it felt so childish.. A teenager! He thought amusingly... And despite all this, it just makes her so perfect.. Tenderly, Arnav brought his hand to her face and wiped off her tears as he said softly without breaking the eyelock...
ASR: Khushi, it was for the dress.. I never meant it for you.. I'm really sorry...
Khushi stared at him blankly.. His words.. they were more than sincere.. but still she feared to give any reaction.. Why was Arnav Singh Raizada after her?? Why is he so cold and nice to her at the same time?? Was she in trouble?? Suddenly her thoughts broke when Arnav began to move forward.. He was about to take her lips and it felt so right.. But how can she forget her promise to her father... "I promise, I'll take care of myself, I'll stay away from trouble"... And on the spot, Khushi turned her face away.. Her breath incomplete.. Her chest heaving... She closed her eyes! And suddenly...
ASR: Driver, stop the car!
Khushi's eyes shot open while Arnav moved away from her.. She looked at him in confusion and the latter stepped out of the car... Arnav looked at her a last time and said roughly...
ASR: You! Stay here!
And he walked away, leaving Khushi in confusion..
Few minutes later.. In Music Shop...
Arnav picked the CD from the shelves and nodded as he said...
ASR: Unbelievable! I can't believe I'm doing this just to bring a smile on the face of this Gupta girl..
And he walked to the counter where a young girl was waiting for him smilingly.. Arnav handed her the CD and as soon as she looked at the CD cover, she said excitedly...
Girl: Oh the new Miley Cyrus album.. that's awesome, good choice dude!
Arnav managed to give her a fake smile and took out some cash from his coat...
ASR: Here, keep the change!
Girl: Thanks!
Arnav turned and was walking towards the exit door when suddenly...
Girl: Hey dude, wait!
Arnav looked back at her and she said...
Girl: There's something which fell from your coat..
Right away, Arnav lowered his eyes to the floor.. For half a second, he froze and then sat on his knees.. He grabbed the small box and opened it...
As he stared at the perfect ring, a smile curved onto his lips... He felt an eagerness to see this ring on those long delicate fingers.. He closed the box and put it back into his coat.. Looking towards the counter girl, Arnav smiled as he said..
ASR: thank you girl!
Girl: You are welcome.. But still if you pass by here again, do come back.. I'll be thrilled to know her answer!
ASR: Sure!
With a wide smile, Arnav stepped out of the shop and walked back to the limousine... He opened the door and entered the back seat... On the spot, his heart stopped, his smile vanished and his face turned red.. Red in anger, red in fear.. and he yelled out..
ASR: Khushi... Khushiii.. Driver...
Immediately Sam lowered the separation window and said in panic..
Sam: Yes Sir!
ASR (yelling): Where the hell is she? Where is Khushi??
And the driver stuttered in fear...
Sam: She she... She was just here one minute ago sir!.. I.. I don't know Sir!
And Arnav yelled angrily...
ASR: Oh shut up!
Arnav rushed out of the car.. Turning around like a crazy man.. He searched for her everywhere.. Rain began pouring down heavily.. He walked, he ran.. He was soaked to bone, but yet this didn't stop him.. and for the first time in his life, he was sincerely praying to god from deep inside his heart.. praying to keep Khushi safe! It's been more than 30 minutes.. the road was not safe.. it was dark and he knew she was around.. but where?? He didn't even know where he was.. he walked so much that he lost trace of his car.. When he finally stopped, he was breathless.. he closed his eyes as his heart yelled out...
ASR: Khushi, please.. where are you??
And suddenly, his eyes popped out as he heard some noise.. No, this was not just noise.. It was Tyara barking.. On the spot, Arnav turned around and saw Tyara running to him...
ASR: Tyara...
A glint of relief formed onto his face and he bent down...
ASR: Are you ok?? Khushi?? Where is khushi??
The dog ran away from his grip and Arnav followed her.. He just knew that the dog was guiding him to Khushi.. and fear took over him as he felt that Khushi was in danger.. They ran through dark lanes and the closer he reached, the more restless his heart was...
Her back against the wall, her eyes full of tears, getting drenched into the rain... Khushi stared at the two drunk men.. and she said in between her weeps..
Khushi: Please, let me go... please.. I beg you..
The two men burst out laughing and suddenly one of them began approaching her.. Khushi nodded continuously in fear.. She tried to run away, but the drunkard placed his hands onto the wall blocking her way.. and he said...
Man 1: How can we let you go? You are so beautiful... Just one night beautiful angel, and then you can go anywhere you want.. I promise you!
And the man looked towards his friend nastily as he said..
Man 1: Right buddy!
The other man smiled with an evilness and replied..
Man 2: Of course! She's such a sexy bitch.. I'll give you anything you want.. but not tonight.. Tonight is our night!
And the two men laughed out loud... Suddenly the drunkard laid his hands on her naked shoulders and Khushi pushed away them away violently as she yelled...
Khushi: Don't touch me.. I'm telling you.. you don't know me... my dad will not leave you.. And... Mr Raizada... he will kill you...
Man 1: Oh really.. let's see then...
The man brought his hands to his jacket and took out a knife.. Khushi's eyes shot open in fear.. and she felt paralyzed when suddenly he tore the straps of her dress...
Khushi: No.. No.. Please...
Man 1: Now come on, kiss me.. don't behave like a fussy bitch..
The man moved forward as he caressed Khushi's naked arms...Tears rolling down her cheeks, Khushi cried her lungs out.
Khushi (crying): Leave me please... Leave me!
And suddenly... Khushi got pulled to the right side and crashed into a hard chest... Her eyes were closed.. and she murmured..
Khushi: ASR!
Khushi finally opened her eyelids and fixed into the eyes of Arnav... She stared at him.. Her fear ran away at the mere contact of his warmth and she forgot the presence of the drunkards till one of them came forward and tried to lay his hand on her... But before he could touch her, Arnav held his arms... He turned his gaze towards the two men angrily as he remembered the sight of Khushi into their hands.. Her tears, her cries, and her torn dress... and he barked out...
ASR: You are dead!
And he began punching them one by one.. again and again.. till they bleed out all their blood... As the two guys passed out, Arnav turned towards Khushi... She was staring at him and though it was raining, he could clearly see her crying... Arnav started walking to her when suddenly... Khushi began running to him and fell into his embrace... Arnav froze on the spot while Khushi hugged him with all her heart.. Slowly, he brought his hands to her back and both stayed into each other's embrace, completely drenched for a long time...
Chapter 9A : Defeated by Feelings
Arnav froze on the spot while Khushi hugged him with all her heart.. Slowly, he brought his hands to her back and both stayed into each other's embrace, completely drenched for a long time... While Khushi was not ready to leave his chest anytime soon, Arnav pulled back forcefully from her hold and he pierced into her eyes.. as he said in a furious yet calm tone...
ASR: What is wrong with you Khushi? Tum kabhi sochti nahin kuch karne se pehle...(What is wrong with you Khushi? You never think before doing anything...)
He grabbed her shoulders angrily as he shouted...
ASR: Damn it kuch ho jaata to.. Agar mein waqt pe nahin aaja ta to.. I was right.. tum sirf ek teenager hain.. isliye bina soche samjhe kuch bhi karleti.. Tum... (Damn it what if something had happened.. What if I didn't reach on time.. I was right.. You are only a teenager.. That's why you do anything without thinking.. You...)
Suddenly his words stopped when Khushi's eyes welled up with tears.. Slowly she brought her hands to her ears.. Holding her ears innocently she said in cries...
Khushi: Iss teenager ko ek akhri baar maaf kar dije.. phirse aisi galti nahin karoongi.. I'm really sorry! (Forgive this teenager a last time.. I will not repeat such mistake again.. I'm really sorry!)
Arnav's expressions softened and he couldn't help but felt amused... Khushi kept holding her ears while she shivered from cold.. drops of water falling from her hairs and her dress was completely transparent.. Arnav's eyes travelled down her body and it was then that Khushi remembered her state.. She felt nervous when all of a sudden Arnav took out his coat and slid behind her.. He helped her wear his coat and Khushi conformed to this without a word... As soon as she was less naked, Arnav spared her no second and he passed his one arm around Khushi's waist... Abruptly he swept her feet off the road much to Khushi's surprise.. Arnav began walking towards the exit of the dark lanes while Khushi held on to his collar.. Her eyes stayed fix on Arnav's expressions till they finally reached the car... As soon as Sam spotted Arnav, he rushed to open the backseat door and Arnav laid Khushi onto the seat.. Their eyes met for a split second and Arnav finally pulled back.. After Tyara jumped into the car, Arnav closed the door.. He walked to the other side and entered the car.. As he sat opposite Khushi, he laid back his head onto the seat and closed his eyes.. At last taking a breath of relief while the limousine started up towards AR Designs.. At this time of the morning, the roads were block with a dense traffic jam, and upon that the heavy rain made it even more difficult to circulate.. With the dark clouds formed into the sky as well as the fog, it seemed as if it nearly reached the fall of the night.. During the drive, neither Khushi nor Arnav decided to say a word to each other.. and when Arnav fell into a light slumber, Tyara sleeping in her lap, Khushi sat for long staring at the lines of Arnav's perfect face.. About almost two and a half hour later, the limousine finally pulled in at its destination, AR Designs Building in the center of London... The parking was deserted.. All staffs of AR Designs had been released early in reason of the unstopping torrential rain.. One of the day time securities rushed to Arnav with an umbrella when the latter stepped out of the limousine.. The security guard opened the umbrella protecting Arnav from the rain and followed him when he walked to the other side of the limousine.. Arnav helped Khushi out and passed out a hand around her waist so as to keep her close to him under the umbrella.. Not once he fixed into her eyes while Khushi kept on staring at him.. In a fast pace, Arnav guided Khushi into the building and soon they entered the lift alongside Sam carrying Khushi's luggage as well as Tyara into her carrier bag... The lift door closed, it began moving up and Khushi clenched her fists.. Standing by the mirror wall, she was drowned into nervousness and fear.. At times Arnav's arms almost brushing hers.. Her heart was racing and she jerked at the sudden sound of the lift... The lift's door slid open and revealed the lavish apartment on the last floor of AR Designs...

While Sam went straight to the bedroom and kept the luggage into the dressing as well as Tyara's carrier bag onto the floor, Khushi explored the penthouse in awe.. Arnav followed her expressions as in a slow pace she entered the living room while admiring the interiors.. Sam walked out of the room, passed through the living room, entered the lift and pushed onto the ground button.. Finally he disappeared leaving Arnav and Khushi alone into the apartment.. and without losing any time, Arnav called out..
ASR: Khushi!
Khushi turned towards him.. Pointing towards the room, Arnav said..
ASR: The room is this way.. go shower and get change.. else you'll get sick!
Khushi nodded a yes with an hesitant smile and immediately she went towards the room.. Before closing the door, she turned towards Arnav and they both shared an eyelock.. Arnav was the one to break the eyelock and he strode to the kitchen counter.. Khushi nodded unbelievably at Arnav's fake anger as she mumbled to her..
Khushi: Laad Governor!
And she closed the door..
Standing by the kitchen counter, lost into his thoughts, Arnav was pouring hot coffee into a cup when accidentally the hot liquid fell onto his hand... As he burnt his hand, he cursed in pain...
ASR: f**k!
Immediately he brought his hand under the cold water of the tap and nodded angrily to himself..
ASR thinks: All this is because of this Khushi.. It was truly a bad idea.. I'll have to bring her back to her father.. In anger, I thought to teach her a lesson.. that no one denies to ASR.. But.. ab mujh se nahin hoga.. Mein uski aansoonn nahin dekh sakta..(Now I can't do this.. I can't see her tears..)I can't.. I'll have to bring her back.. She is as much innocent as I thought of her to be a spoilt brat!!
Khushi stepped out of the shower cabin and adjusted the towel around her body.. Her wet hairs let loose on her naked shoulders.. Drops of water dripping onto the mat, She wiped off the steam on the mirror.. She stared at her reflection intensely while her eyes shined.. Her heart was restless.. A smile curved onto her lips and she began blushing at her own reflection.. Millions of butterflies formed into her belly as goose bumps while her mind travelled back into the arms of Arnav.. She closed her eyes as she remembered how he picked her up and carried her to the car.. The fear on his face though she was safe and sound by his side into the car.. It was as if Arnav was dying at the thought of losing her.. And her heart! It was racing.. Why did she tell those drunkards that Mr. Raizada will kill them? What was she thinking?? Her eyes shot open.. Staring at herself.. She brought her right hand onto her heart.. Dhak Dhak, Dhak Dhak.. Restless.. Scared... After all her heart knew the answer to her questions.. and she went lost into the past...
The eyes of Shashi Gupta popped out in shock at the sudden actions of his daughter.. and he said shockingly..
Shashi: Khushi.. Yeh kya tarika hain! Aise photo ko kyun phal diya? Ab main in logon ko kya kahooga.. (Khushi.. what is this way! Why did you the photo like this? Now what will I tell those people..)
And Khushi reverted back stubbornly..
Khushi: Yehin ke Khushi Kumari Gupta ne photo bina dekhe ko phal diya.. Aur kripa karke phir se rishta nahin behdije.. Samjhe.. (That Khushi Kumari Gupta torn the photo without looking at it.. And do us a favor don't send a proposal again.. Understand..)
Shashi: What is this Khushi? Kya tum kabhi shaadi nahin karoongi... (What is this Khushi? Will you ever get married...)
Khushi: What dad? How can you think like this? Of course I will get married.. In fact a big fat wedding with all those long rituals like in Bollywood movies.. But not to some stupid tom dick or harry..
Shashi: Acha aur tumhe lagta mein kisi tom dick ya harry ke photo tumhare paas lekar aahoonga.. Mein to apni rajkumari jaisi beti ko ek rajkumar hi laaoonga.. Kamse kam tum photo dekti usse phal ne se pehle.. Pata hai kitne bare aadmi hain.. uska naam...(Oh and you think I'll bring any tom dick or harry's photo to you.. I will only bring a prince for my princess daughter.. At least you should have look at the photo before tearing it.. Do you know how famous that man is.. His name...)
Khushi: But I have no interest into his name dad.. Mein arrange marriage kabhi nahin karoongi.. Samjhi aap.. Aur kabhi mujhe force bhi maat karna.. (But I have no interest into his name dad.. I will never get into an arrange marriage.. You understand.. And don't you ever force me..)
Shashi: Kamse kam yeh to batado tumhe kaise ladka pasan hain?? (Atleast tell me which type of guy you like??)
Khushi stared at her father.. A smile on her face she nodded as she said..
Khushi: Pata nahin! (I don't know!)
Shashi: Kya? (What?)
And she said excitedly..
Khushi: Yes dad! I don't have any likes or dislikes.. Sirf yeh ke jab wo ladka mere samne aayega tab, sab kuch badal jayega.. Mein badal jaaoongi.. (Yes dad! I don't have any likes or dislikes.. Only that when this guy will come in front of me, everything will change.. I will change..)
Khushi stood from the sofa and walked a few steps.. Shashi stayed settled into the sofa and stared at Khushi confusingly...
Khushi: ek ajeeb bechaini hogi.. usse milne ke liye.. uss ke saat rehne ke liye.. Uske ek nazar meri dhakano tezz hoga... And when he'll be with me, I'll be nervous, I'll be scared.. but if he stepped back I might die.. Tab mujhe pata hoga ke yeh wohi hai jo mere liye bani... He will be my guy.. Jaise bhi ho, amir ya gharib.. acha ya bhura.. meri tara zidii ya samajdhar.. wo jaise bhi ho.. HE WILL BE THE ONE... (there will be a strange restlessness.. to meet him.. to be with him.. His one look will make my heart beats faster.. And when he'll be with me, I'll be nervous, I'll be scared.. but if he stepped back I might die.. Then I will know that he is the one who is made for me.. He will be my guy.. However he is, rich or poor.. good or bad.. stubborn like me or responsible.. however he is.. HE WILL BE THE ONE...)
Back to present, Khushi smiled to herself... and she said..
Khushi: ladne ke liye bahut bahane dhoondi meine.. lekin aab pyaar ki baatein ke liye paata nahin kaunsa bahane use karoongi mein.. (To fight I found a lot of pretexts... But now for romance I don't know which excuse I'll find..)
And suddenly, Khushi heard a noise of a door slamming.. Quickly she pulled on the bath robe and walked out of the bathroom.. she stepped out of the room and found Arnav nowhere.. She roamed around searching for him but he was nowhere around.. neither into the kitchen nor in the living room.. As she shifted her eyes towards the extremity of the living room, she spotted a door.. and she thought..
Khushi thinks: Maybe it's the terrace..
She walked to the door and pushed open the door slightly.. And...